Saturday, June 6, 2015

Yantai Xintu International Co. ltd /

Yantai Xintu International Co. ltd

They say their company established in 2003, and in fact their webiste was created in December 2013. 
None of the pictures listed in the website belong to the company, all download from internet.

One guy said he was cheated by this company, is there any other who have the situation? As no detail info about it, I couldn't find any chinese information about this company.

Friday, June 5, 2015



The scammer is a Hongkong registered offshore company, no office in China or Hongkong, The address in the website is unreal, and they kept changing their address or company name during scamming. 
First they attract you with a low sea-shipping price, once you cooperated with him, after he got your Bill of Landing, then threat you pay more money like 1000 dollars or 10,000 dollars to him.  This is the link that someone exposed the scam of this company in a china forum. 

Scam: NewPlus Electron Co., Ltd /

NewPlus Electron Co., Ltd 

Check the website, No company name, no telephone number, no authentic product, an unuseful address. I think only the bank account they ask you to pay to is real.
They attract you with an unreasonable price. You should know its impossbile to buy an Iphone6 at a price of 450 dollars, even 600dollars. Even some brand products are made in China, but the price is higher than America or Japan or other countries.